Thursday, August 21, 2008


So, here I am with the very first entry to this blog. I think I might have jumped into the deep end of the pool since I am committing myself to frequent enough updates to keep this blog alive.

Over the past week and a half since I came to Hong Kong many of you have asked about the city, work and the adjustment period. It is hard to answer each question in the given time frame and I am also tempted to stay the easy course and answer with a short comment such as "good" or "awesome" or "very nice". Hopefully here I can talk about the events and observations that makes living here truly a unique experience.

I will also post links to pictures that I have taken recently just to give you a better idea as to what I am exposed to here and to better describe the experience.

In the very near future I will post some pics from my early days in Hong Kong which goes back as far as ... about a week.

Stay tuned...

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