Sunday, November 23, 2008

Friends / family

There has not been an update on this blog in about a week and a half but that does not mean life stopped in Hong Kong.

After a few months of living out of one suitcase my belongings from Canada finally arrived. Slowly but surely all is being unpacked and re-assembled but the one major addition to the apartment is still missing ---> INTERNET! Hopefully that would be sorted out shortly, I am in hunt for the fastest service so online radio, streaming videos and - most importantly - skype will be smooth as well. Once I am fully up and running you guys will know... :)

Speaking of running, it is going really well. Getting into very decent shape as the weather is cooling down. Nowadays it is about 22-23C during the day and not much cooler in the mornings. I started doing some core work as well in the gym, mostly focusing on the abs and lower back with minimal work on the upper body. I think I am seeing its dividends but the goal-race is still far far away. Next Sunday will be the Hong Kong Disneyland Unicef half-marathon, the flattest and potentially only PB course in Hong Kong. I will be certain to post the results here in a week's time. The week after that is the Macau Marathon which will be only a training run but the weekend there should be quite interesting.

This morning I spoke with many friends in Toronto as they all gathered for the end-of-year annual banquet for our running club (notice how I still say 'our' from HK). It made me realize how supportive and caring people are that I left behind in Toronto. Talking to them I realized how blessed I am to know them and to be able to name distance running as a common interest with all of them. I have always said that I have met some great people through running and this morning just proved me to be correct once again. I have always known them to be great individuals and great friends but reassurance every now and then (especially on the other side of this planet) is comforting. Guys, I hope to see all of you soon, maybe in the summer of 09?

Congratulations go out to Lynn and Roger for winning the "Runner of the Year" award for Longboat. There couldn't have been two better choices for the award after what they have done as running ambassadors and club members. Congrats guys! Let's postpone the celebrations 'till May 2010. I will make the restaurant booking as well. How does Durban sound..?

There is no new pictures to post but shortly I will have some new ones. In the meantime, I took this video about 2 months ago. It was taken just before a typhoon warning was hoisted and we were sent home from work. It is the actual view from my office. No, I do not have an office with a window, my desk just happens to be facing the window of the trade floor...

Oh yeah, one more thing: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM! :)

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