Friday, September 5, 2008

Back after a brief hiatus...

It's early September but one would never know that if living in Hong Kong. The weather is still really warm although locals say that it's getting a bit cooler already. I can't tell... The temperature hovers around 30C every day but the humidity is constantly in the 85% range which gives us a humidex of 43-44C. It's hot but hopefully by next year I will be more used to it.

I have to apologize for the larger break between posts, it does not mean that I have been sitting at home and have nothing really to talk about. If anything, it's the complete opposite of that.
Unfortunately, the Kodak gallery site has been under reconstruction for a few days now and I am unable to post pictures but here are a few just as a "coming attraction" ...

Tonight was a "welcome back!' get-together organized by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. We basically went to Lan Kwai Fong, an entertainment district in Central Hong Kong with many bars and restaurants and had drinks. I did not see one Canadian flag and did not get to drink Molsons and did not get to see hockey. But, they still had the courage to charge 50 Hong Kong dollars for the entrance. (about CAD 7). It was a fun get-together to which a lot of people from the office came as well. Wearing the BMO sponsored Toronto FC shirt was a success since half of BMO's Hong Kong office was at the party... I didn't get the feedback I was looking for with the jersey, as a matter of fact it did not serve even once as a conversation starter... (note to self: girls here don't like soccer) Getting annoyed by the cigar smoke coming from the next table we left around 9pm to grab some food. We ended up going to this one area in Central where food is served on the street. Very local, traditional Hong Kong cuisine with jasmine tea, fish, squid, shrimp fried rice and mushroom chicken. Rubun and Benny came along from the office and they were kind enough to introduce me to this area. I will definitely come back to it but I am afraid I will have to wait 'till the weather gets a little cooler.

This weekend I am heading out to Lamma Island which is about a 20 minute ferry ride away from Central Island. If is online by Monday, there will be more pictures for all of you to view.

I am also looking for a permanent place to live but I am still shocked about some of the apartments. a 450 sq foot apartment would cost about HKD 15,000 a month which equals to about CAD 2000. Real estate prices are expensive and the rents reflect that as well. I have looked at Olympic Station which is on the Kowloon side of the Harbour and have seen a few places in the neighborhood called Wan Chai. Nothing specific yet but once I find a place pictures will be posted.

Major events in the last few weeks:
Happy 36th anniversary to my parents, happy name-day to my mom, congrats to Lauren and Olivia on starting school and Reka, good luck with this brand new chapter in your life!

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

rcserny said...

Why don't you try Picasa for your pictures? I've been using it for a while and absolutely love it!!