Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Everyday pictures from a few weeks ago...

Hello Everyone,

I am back with a newfound effort to further introduce to you guys to the daily life in Hong Kong. The below album has a few pictures from around the neighborhood where I will be for another 3-4 weeks.

The neighborhood is called Tsim Sha Tsui and is located on the Kowloon side of Victoria Harbour. Known for its 'authentic replica' Rolex watches and cheaper-than-dirt tailor shops, this place looks like the Hong Kong that westerners would envision. It is almost certain that after midnight any tourist-looking person (ie white people) gets approached with offers of a 'personal message by a beautiful girl in your hotel room'. I think that's what's called a message with a happy ending. :) Whereas I have not had the chance to enlist as a member in their client lists, some of the fake-Rolex salesmen on the street already recognize me and won't approach me anymore.

Just a few blocks down from Shama Apartments is the Promenade aka waterfront. Here you find the Hong Kong Space Centre, Cultural Museum and a beautiful walking path overlooking the Hong Kong skyline on the Island. The 6 minute ferry ride to Central cost 1.7 Hong Kong dollars which is about CAD 0.25...

The album shows the tiny place where I am staying for the time being. Very decent place at an amazing location. It has no balcony but has an awesome shower which I will miss for the rest of my life... Good pressure, huge space, first class. You will also find pictures about the neighborhood and even my favorite Chinese restaurant...

So, here it is:

1 comment:

Jeremie Izsak said...

Great pics! We need details about these couple of days with Pete.